Benchmarks exclusively for agencies under £1m

We know how important small agencies are to the UK economy. We've worked with thousands of agencies over our twenty years in business, and seen first-hand that you don't need to have a fee income of over £1m to be considered among the best of the best. 

That's why we wanted to tailor our BenchPress events in 2025, to make sure we gave specialised benchmarks and bespoke advice for each size of agency. So whether you have dreams of scaling to beyond £1m, selling your agency one day, or plan to stay small and nimble, BenchPress can support you through this journey. 

Join us for the exclusive launch of this year's benchmarks, where you'll get the chance to explore what these mean specifically for your size of agency. You'll also have the opportunity to see how you compare to your peers and learn what you could be doing differently. 


By attending, you will:

Hear an in-depth and first-hand view of how agency owners under £1m run their businesses.


Get the latest hourly rates, financial benchmarks, and key trends that impact your agency.

Discuss the current challenges facing agencies of your size, and how to overcome them.

Discover what the most successful agencies do differently, and how to replicate their success.

Gain insights to help you make positive changes to your business, transforming your performance.

Join in the live chat with other agency leaders and ask questions relating to your agency.


Download all the 2021 reports

Book your place

You'll leave the webinar with thought-provoking insights and information to help you build a profitable and sustainable agency business, ready to tackle whatever challenges may lie ahead.

Those who register will be the first to receive the under £1m agency BenchPress report.

Stats we will share: 

  • How agencies are performing right now
  • Growth rates for the past 12 months
  • Levels of profitability and cash reserves
  • The latest AI and technology trends
  • The hourly rates agencies are charging 
  • Current challenges and opportunities
  • What agency owners earn 
  • Confidence levels for the year ahead

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About BenchPress


In 2012, we began our agency benchmarking report – BenchPress. The aim was simple; to take an accurate snapshot of agency life in the UK and to share insight and analysis with ambitious agency owners. BenchPress has grown to become the largest survey of UK independent agency owners and is a great way to benchmark yourself against your peers.

As well as the results from the survey, BenchPress is now an entire programme of activity, with events, content and support for agency owners taking place throughout the year.

Take a look at last year's reports.